From Gary Miloglav
Steve was the best man at my wedding in 1970 after Vietnam. We lost touch with each other shortly after that. Using I finally found out that he died in 2011 in Nevada. We joined the Marines together in 1965. He became a helicopter machine gunner, I loaded bombs on F4s. He went to Vietnam, I went to Japan and missed Vietnam by 1 day because of the USS Pueblo incident (I went on nuclear alert in Japan).
Larry Wyatt
Photos from Gary Miloglav
Steve in Phu Bai
September 1965 Gary, Steve and Albert Slusser the day they joined the US Marines
Richard Steele
Thank you Gary for the news about Steve. Thank you for looking for him. I wonder how many of us served in Vietnam?
Gary Miloglav
Probably too many. I hope a lot survived.